Millions of employees are working from home today for thousands of small and large companies. Money is always an issue for startup and small businesses which is why they can save a lot of money by allowing their employees to work from home. Large corporations can save money as well and avoid laying off hundreds of their employees every few years to balance their budgets. Telecommuting is becoming the future and with the benefits being so great, it will start to become the norm for many firms. If you want to work from home, it may take some convincing to assail your employer of any concerns they may have for allowing their workers to complete their jobs virtually.
Calm and Productive Environment
Your home office has to be mimic a typical office space. The environment has to be calm and productive so that the work that needs to be completed that day gets done on time. Working from home means you will have many distractions you would not have at the office. From family interferences to people calling and coming over, the office in your home has to be free of these issues to run smoothly. Make sure your home office is perfect for working at home and you have everything you need to get to work.

Reliability and Dependability
Being reliable and dependable are major attributes that need to be upheld when telecommuting. Many employers believe workers that telecommute may not be as reliable as those that work in place of employment. Employers are concerned about employees not being dependable and getting the completed because of distractions at home or just slacking off. Let your employers know that you are dedicated to getting your work completed just as you would if you were at the office. Assure them that you can be relied on to do your job on time.
Money Savings for Company
Telecommuter can save a company thousands of dollars a month. Corporations spend thousands of dollars a year on equipment and supplies for each person they employ. If the telecommuter provides these items, the company doesn’t have to fork out the funds which leads to them saving money on every employee they allow to work from home.
More and more companies are choosing to allow some or all of their staff to telecommute full-time or part-time. Todays technology allows almost any person that work on a computer the ability to do their work from home. Telecommuting is growing every year and the benefits are great for both the employer and the employee. Not having to leave your home to go to work is a convenience that many past and present workers would love to have, say Angela Kane (Senior Customer Service Representative for