Two simple word explains today’s world; Hectic and Chaos. Just getting up and reaching office on time can be a herculean task. With all the traffic, chaos, and once inside the office, life is hectic with all the meetings and targets to meet. The world average on one-way office commuting time is 40 minutes, so to and fro is 1 hour 20 minutes. By the time you reach the office, you are frustrated, tired, anxious, stressed, and this is how you begin your day at the office daily! It will take another two hours to come back to normal and start your work with some peace of mind, and by then you have a colleague who comes to gossip about some insignificant thing with you. So you can imagine how productive you can get in an office environment.
Now if you could cut all the commuting and the distractions from office by working from home. You get up, have a healthy breakfast, shower, and get to work listening to some soothing music. There are no distractions in your workroom, and you finish your work well before the designated time. So, which work environment do you prefer? This way you are also contributing to the environment by reducing pollution, reducing consumption of fuel, reducing eating restaurant food, etc. if you are inspired by this introduction, please go through this detailed infographic from Modern Garden Rooms on why working from home is beneficial for you and everybody else. Get a garden office for yourself if your nature of work allows it, and see your productivity go up instantly.